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Home Demotivator ženskega alkoholizma

Demotivator ženskega alkoholizma

A guide to Russian ‘demotivator’ memes Long before Russia ever launched social media campaigns in the US, Kremlin-backed trolling was alive and well at home. In this online underworld of paid seeders, twitterati and trolls, “demotivators” — Russian internet picture memes — play a special bottom-feeder.

kako družina uničuje alkoholizem Demotivational Posters for those with way too much free time! Browse or create your own demotivational poster.

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Word Origin and History for demotivator. motivate. v. 1863, to stimulate toward action, from motive + -ate (2); perhaps modeled on French motiver or German motivieren.
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AT DESPAIR, WE OFFER THE CURE FOR HOPE. AND FOR SURPRISINGLY AFFORDABLE PRICES. No industry has inflicted more suffering than the Motivational Industry. Motivational books, speakers and posters have made billions of dollars selling shortcuts to success and tools for unleashing our unlimited potential.
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Share effect. Motivator. Create demotivator online in a couple of seconds! Just add a photo and a title. Our free photo effects will help you to create fast and easily.
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Demotivator KZ. 1,076 likes. Юмор, картинки, демотиваторы. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose.
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Assumptions: The Demotivator is a fun tool, so to make it quick and simple some assumptions have been made in the calculations. We assume a working life is 45 years and a working week is 35 hours. To calculate how long you’ve worked, we assume a combined tax and national insurance rate of 33% - regardless.

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