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V Kolomnskem teološkem seminarju z alkoholizmom

13 feb 2018 Včasih so javne službe, šole in druge ustanove imele socialnega delavca, ki se je z alkoholizmom zaposlenih ukvarjal, danes delodajalec .

trajanje druge stopnje alkoholizma je nekaj let

en (g) the reprocessing and plutonium storage should only take place when the information provided on the nuclear energy programme of the party in question has been received, when the undertakings, arrangements and other information called for by the guidelines are in place or have been received and when the parties have agreed that reprocessing and plutonium storage are an integral.

Some more links:
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City of Phoenix v. Kolodziejski, 399 U.S. 204 (1970) City of Phoenix v. Kolodziejski. No. 1066. Argued March 31, 1970. Decided June 23, 1970. 399 U.S. 204. Syllabus. The City of Phoenix held an election in June, 1969 ,at which the issuance of general obligation bonds to finance various municipal improvements was approved.
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